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H1 Ceiling Insulation

H1 Ceiling Insulation requirements for new housing 

H1/AS1 applies to housing, and other buildings that are under 300 m². The schedule method of compliance requires roof construction R-values of at least R6.6 in all six climate zones. If using the calculation method, a minimum of R3.3 can be used. 

Exceeding the minimum R-value in ceilings can pay dividends elsewhere! By using a construction R-value which is higher than that provided in the H1/AS1 table (i.e. in the case of ceilings insulation R6.6), it provides the ability to use a lower R-value on other elements or to adapt the home elsewhere such as using lower cost windows or using a higher glazing percentage to increase the amount of natural light provided to the home.

Single layer ceiling insulation batts


Our glasswool insulation range includes a selection of R-values to provide builders, designers, and installers the opportunity to choose the best thermal performance for their project.

New R7.0 and R8.0 single layer ceiling insulation batts are designed to reduce heat transfer through the ceiling, improve comfort and enhance energy efficiency. Insulation batts are specifically tailored to fit the most common ceiling joist spacings for quick and easy single layer installation.

Our new R7.0 single layer insulation solution will provide a construction R-value of circa R7.05. The R8.0 ceiling insulation product is designed to provide an even higher level of performance where further optimisation across the build is either required or desired.

Our Ceiling insulation batts are designed for use in cold roof applications where pitched roofs are insulated at ceiling level

Our glasswool insulation solutions play a major role in providing thermal, fire safety, acoustic performance and comfort with the built environment.

Ceiling Batt R7.0

330mm x 460mm x 1200mm


Ceiling Batt R8.0

330mm x 460mm x 1200mm

*only available in Earthwool Glasswool




If using a double layer ceiling insulation solution, the top layer of insulation must cover the truss chords to reduce thermal bridging. If using a single layer insulation solution, some insulation may need to be notched. The Knauf Insulation R7.0 and R8.0 Ceiling batts are designed specifically so that they do not require notching.

Significant savings in labour
Less complexity to demonstrate compliance
Increased thermal performance above and around timbers
Less material wastage


We have introduced a new glasswool insulation R3.4 Perimeter batt to provide a H1 compliant solution at the eaves by delivering an R3.3 construction R-value around the perimeter of the ceiling. A key feature of the R3.4 Perimeter batt is that it allows builders and designers to comply with the new H1 regulations without making any changes to existing construction methods. This reduces design complexities and reduces construction costs, eliminating the need for a heel truss or an insulation barrier installation at the eaves.

Eaves solution using an insulation barrier

Baffle – Insulation guard ≥ 20º and Single Layer Insulation R7.0 or R8.0 Ceiling Batt
Single layer insulation R7.0 Ceiling Batt with extended baffle

Key advantages 

  • Increased average construction R-value provides flexibility to offset other construction costs
  • One insulation product to site
  • Compatible with Earthwool® glasswool R7.0 and R8.0 ceiling batt
  • High performance single layer solution with no notching
  • Cost effective material and install cost
  • Accommodates changes in truss cord


  • Ideal for meeting compliance with the modelling method

New solution using glasswool Insulation R3.4 Perimeter batt

R3.4 Perimeter batt ≥ 20º and Single Layer Insulation R7.0 or R8.0 Ceiling Batt
Knauf Insulation R3.4 Perimeter batt and R7.4 Skillion batt (no baffle)

Key advantages 

  • Lower upfront installation cost and eliminates the need for a separate insulation barrier
  • No change to existing construction methods
  • Reduced design complexity
  • R3.3 system compliance 500mm from the perimeter
  • 110mm thickness, suitable for 90mm truss
  • Ability to be used for other applications e.g. skillion roof


  • Ideal for meeting compliance with the schedule method

Ceiling insulation for your project