100 Rotorua rental properties to receive free insulation

By Anonymous
January 01, 2015

Scoop.co.nz has reported (18/12/2014) on an offer from Warm Up New Zealand: Healthy Homes programme to provide free insulation to 100 rental properties in Rotorua.

So far 59 landlords have taken up the offer which has been funded by the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA), The Cottingham Family Warm Up Charitable Trust and the local council.

Councillor Janet Wepa, who is in charge of the council's sustainable living portfolio, is keen to see the project reach the 100 mark.

She says that home insulation is vital to ensure people are living in healthy homes. It is the council and community's goal to improve living conditions by making sure that all Rotorua homes are warm, safe and healthy. 

The offer of providing home insulation to 100 rental properties in Rotorua will provide ceiling and floor insulation.

Right Homes Limited national sales manager, Mike Brunton says that the offer provides benefits to tenants and also the owners of rental properties.  

He says that home insulation adds value to the home and helps to ensure the longevity of the landlord's investment by reducing damage caused by dampness.

Eligibility is subject to meeting criteria set by the EECA.  Criteria include having a tenant that holds a Community Services Card (CCS), someone in the house is at risk of a health issue linked to damp and cold conditions, residents are over 65 or children under 17 and the house being older than 15 years.

Landlords of Rotorua rental properties that are interested in applying to receive free home insulation are encouraged to contact Right House on 0800 744 569 or email [email protected]